vue de l'orphelinat de Burayou
Place :

Opening date :

Area : 2 ha

Admission capacity :
120 children

Age of admitted
children :

6-12 years old

Number of employees

Director :
Mr Girma Gebreselassie

Annual budget :
6,7 million of birr
($400 000)

SOSEE was quickly aware that the children were growing. It had to find, for the adolescents, a welcoming facility other than the Toukoul, which proved difficult to find and finance. Thus, it is thanks to Ms. Abebetch Gobena, the founder of Agos, that SOSEE was able to build on a plot of 2 ha located in Burayou. This included a welcoming facility for hundreds of adolescents, training workshops (now VTPC) and housing (i.e. clinics, kitchens, relaxation and tutoring rooms, and playgrounds).

On these grounds, in 2007, SOSEE transformed and expanded the existing facilities to build an orphanage for the care of children ages 6 to 12 years. The orphanage of Burayou, located west of Addis, now accommodates nearly 120 children. The administration of this orphanage is managed by Mr. Girma who is also the manager of VTPC. These children are enrolled in primary schools in Burayou. The center prepares them for their first emancipation from the age of 12, when they will be placed in foster families.

A clinical in standard approved by the Ethiopian authorities and adapted to needs of SOSEE was built in 2009 which allows the monitoring of 17 children moderately disabled and 30 children with HIV. Dr. Tilahun and Sister Dembele monitor the children. Nevertheless, it will be necessary to expand the existing facilities this year by building new dormitories where some of the administrative offices are currently located. These offices will be transferred to the carpentry and basketry workshops (themselves transferred to the buildings vacated by the dairy farm when it will be moved to Sululta…). Such expansion is necessary as the orphanage is expected to welcome, as early as next July, 30 children older than 6 years, who are temporarily in an orphanage in Gelan with children aged 2 to 4 years. The orphanage of Burayou is funded primarily by adoption agencies working with SOSEE and by private donations.

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