
SOS Enfants Ethiopie

has now been around over 20 years. It is, per the number of its projects and by the large number of children it helps, the largest private facility in Ethiopia to support orphaned or abandoned children. It is an international NGO led by the collective members of Les Enfants du Toukoul - SOSEE groups together French, Belgian, and American associations as well as private donors.

The activities of this important NGO are coordinated by the founder, Yves Ferez, who is assisted by many Ethiopian officials who run the various projects of the organization in Ethiopia, particularly Mr. Workeneh Abebe who oversees all projects. The representation of the NGO SOSEE with Ethiopian regulators is provided by Mr. Adouseged Belay. We can say that SOSEE is aptly named an international NGO, as it works in Ethiopia, but it requires the involvement of various participants around the world, as the budget of SOSEE consists exclusively of contributions and private donations.

picture of Mr Workeneh, manager of SOSEE and ToukoulMr Workeneh, manager of SOSEE and Toukoul

“Les Enfants du Toukoul – SOSEE” is a French international charity organization. It is funded by organizations authorized for international adoption, associations, and private donors. By specific delegation of its board of administration, “Les Enfants du Toukoul – SOSEE” ensures the operation and control of SOS Enfants Éthiopie.

Who are the permanent members of these associations ?

« Les Enfants du Toukoul-SOSEE » :

The organization of SOSEE :
SOSEE is represented in Ethiopia by Adamseged Belay, coordinated and controlled by Yves Ferez, and the various projects are led by Workeneh Abebe. The chief financial officer is Mr. Tsegaye Taye, and the human resources director is Mr. Mitiku Workeneh. SOSEE now permanently employs close to 750 people and provides direct and permanent support to more than 2800 disadvantaged children annually (1,300 orphans, 1,200 children in the sponsorship program, and 300 children placed in foster families in Burayou).

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