
SOS Enfants Ethiopie

has now been around over 20 years. It is, per the number of its projects and by the large number of children it helps, the largest private facility in Ethiopia to support orphaned or abandoned children. It is an international NGO led by the collective members of Les Enfants du Toukoul - SOSEE groups together French, Belgian, and American associations as well as private donors.

The activities of this important NGO are coordinated by the founder, Yves Ferez, who is assisted by many Ethiopian officials who run the various projects of the organization in Ethiopia, particularly Mr. Workeneh Abebe who oversees all projects. The representation of the NGO SOSEE with Ethiopian regulators is provided by Mr. Adouseged Belay. We can say that SOSEE is aptly named an international NGO, as it works in Ethiopia, but it requires the involvement of various participants around the world, as the budget of SOSEE consists exclusively of contributions and private donations.

List of projects Budget of each project
in 2011 (birr)
The Toukoul Orphanage 15,617,621
Orphanage in Gelan 6,000,000
Orphanage and VTPC
in Burayou
Admission centers 6,435,227
Horticultural Farm of Meki 2,000,000
Cereal Farm of Dinkiti 2,955,761
Total 39,747,426
Contingencies and
miscellaneous (10%)
3 974 743
Budget 2011 43 722 170 Birr

What is the budget of SOSEE ?

SOSEE requires 43 million birrs (2.6 million dollars) per year to run all of its projects. Funding comes from private donations, cooperation contracts with various associations, and self-financing. The self-financing comes from farms in Meki and Bale and sales of local handicraft cooperatives of Aware and Burayou. In addition to this bugdet, an amount of 400,000 euros ($525,000) is spent in France to purchase products such as formula, spare parts for vehicles, bed, and much more. These items are then shipped in containers to Ethiopia.

Who are the main donors ?

Cooperation contracts with various associations and donations from private donors provide the bulk of the resources of the organization. So, it is important to mention the following partners :

What is the company “SOS Real Estate PLC” ?

Associations and donors of SOS Enfants Éthiopie have created a private company aiming to finance construction of projects such as the new orphanage of SOSEE in Gelan. This private company also enables SOSEE to manage some of their activities, like the garage that repairs SOSEE’s vehicles, the milk farm, and the upcoming cheese factory near Sululta. Being a private company, “SOS Real Estate Plc” is subject to VAT and is taxable. By mutual agreement between shareholders, all profits are donated to the projects of SOSEE.

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